Hoy solo toca enseñaros nuestra nueva imagen, I’m green, con la que nos sentimos muy identificados, una nueva imagen que refuerza lo que somos y como lo hacemos.
La manera de expresar nuestra actitud y pensamiento hacia nuestro planeta empieza con el packaging de nuestra línea de champú B2 que incluye 8 lineas diferentes para cada necesidad del cabello, el anticaída, anticaspa, nutrición, hidratación, brillo, Becoming Color (para cabellos teñidos), sebo-regulación, volumen y Silver Color (para cabellos blancos). Todos ellos con el sello I’m Green (certificado con el símbolo en la parte posterior de la botella) ¿Qué quiere decir este símbolo? En comparación al polietileno convencional la gran diferencia está en la fuente de la materia prima. El etanol utilizado para el Green PE no es producido utilizando petróleo sino caña de azúcar. Cada tonelada de polietileno verde producida captura hasta 3,09 toneladas de CO2 de la atmósfera, ayudando a reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Puede que sea sólo un pequeño paso, pero si todos nos unimos podemos hacer grandes cambios.
Broaer, I’m green, está comprometido con el medio ambiente, innova, explora y aprovecha todos los elementos q la naturaleza nos brinda para crear fórmulas con la máxima garantía de calidad que están con sintonía con nuestro entorno.
Con nuestros productos recuperamos la armonía y equilibrio natural para tener un pelazo naturalmente sano, brillante e hidratado.
A New Look For Our Shampoo Line B2
At Broaer we have been developing professional hair cosmetics for over 50 years; it is time for our Shampoo Line B2 to have a new image!
The beauty world is changing. Modern trends in cosmetics and hair care focus on personalized beauty, natural ingredients and green & sustainability, among the others.
We are facing rapid advances in technology on the one side, and commitment to natural & eco-friendly products on the one others.
Our way to meet this challenge in the cosmetic industry is being sensible and truthful to what we offer and what we are. We started the business by developing hair products for professionals; we work every day to maintain high-quality standards and offer new hair solutions to end-users, who are becoming more and more demanding and informed on hair care.
However, we think it is essential to keep a level of continuity for our long-time customers. For this, we have changed the image of a our shampoo Line B2 but left the formulations unchanged.
The Shampoo Line B2 includes 8 different shampoos in 250ml size: Hair loss, Dandruff, Nourishment, Hydration, Shine, Becoming Color (colored hair), Sebo-Regulation, Volume, and Silver Color (grey hair). You can choose the best shampoo for your type of hair, or based on the condition of your hair.
To assume our responsibility in the defense of the environment, the new packaging is essential and ecological: I’m green High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – See the “ I’m Green” symbol on the back of the bottle.
I’m greenPolyethylene is a plastic produced from sugarcane, a renewable raw material – as against the traditional polyethylene that uses fossil sourced raw materials such as oil or natural gas. The I’m greenPolyethylene captures and fixes CO2 from the atmosphere during its production, helping to reduce greenhouse gases emission.
It may be just a drop in the ocean, but taking little steps can make big changes.

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